Your customers are the most important part of your business. Think about it, without customers, you’d have no business. Customers are the lifeline to your business, which is why the Customer Experience (CX) you provide needs to be outstanding. There’s no denying the world of business is competitive, so if you can stand out with excellent CX, you’ll not only satisfy and retain customers, you’ll also be able to continue to grow your business. So, how do you provide a good customer experience? Chances are you already wear almost all the hats in your business, and constantly feel pulled in every direction. And now, here I am telling you to add another focus into the mix. Trust me when I say, providing excellent customer experience doesn’t have to be hard and it doesn’t have to take up all of your precious time. That’s what technology is for. The right tech will do the hard work for you, you just need to know what to invest in. That’s why I’ve put together this blog to highlight some of the best tech for helping improve the operations of your small business and more importantly, the customer experience you provide.
As a small business owner, anything that can help make your business run more efficiently is the holy grail, especially when it comes to selling (because that’s what it’s all about at the end of the day). That is why, no matter how small you are, every small business should have a sales process. A sales process, according to Hubspot, refers to a repeatable set of steps a sales person takes to move a prospect from an early-stage lead to a closed customer. An efficient sales process will assist in closing more deals by providing a framework to follow. It will boost conversions, close deals, and make sure your sales process is providing customers with a positive and consistent experience each and every time. If you already have a sales process in place, great! However, if you don’t have one or haven’t updated yours in a while, you will find this article helpful. Below you will find a guide to building a framework for an effective sales process that you can then personalise to suit your business and customers.
Topics: CRM, Sales Technology, Sales Process
According to HubSpot’s 2016 State of Inbound report, one of the key priorities for sales in 2017 is improving the efficiency of the sales funnel. Whether you’re reviewing an existing sales process or developing one for the first time, successful outcomes depend on having access to the right technology.
Topics: Inbound Sales, Sales Enablement, Get Customers, CRM
There was a time, not all that long ago, when milkmen would go from door-to-door delivering glass bottles of milk to Australian homes.
Topics: Inbound Sales, Get Customers, CRM