As a marketer, you no doubt put a lot of effort into your marketing strategy. It can be a relentless process sometimes, right? But the truth is, no matter how good your content is, or your visuals are, and no matter how much of your blood, sweat and tears you pour into your marketing strategy, there is one thing that is more important to the health and growth of your business than anything else. That one thing? The happiness of your customers. It’s astonishing just how deeply the success of your business depends on the voice of your current customers, the truth is, happy customers are your biggest drivers of new business.
When developing your content strategy, it is vital you understand the path your customers take towards conversion. If you don’t, you’re potentially missing out on countless conversions. Moreover, would you know if your marketing efforts are not in synchronicity with what’s important to your customers? Do you know how to fix it? In this article, I’m going to discuss how you can develop a data-driven customer journey to improve your marketing results and customer experience.
I mentioned in last weeks article, how top marketers are prioritising the customer experience – focusing on the Customer Journey Strategy. In that article you can learn how to map content to each stage of the customer’s journey to ensure it is relevant to your buyers.
Topics: Buyers' Journey, Smart Content, Customer Journey Strategy
Successful marketers know the key to getting results in the digital age is in connecting with their buyers at each stage of the customer journey. The State of Marketing 2016 study conducted by Salesforce revealed 88% of top marketers say a customer journey strategy is critical to the success of their overall marketing. The study also revealed that the top concern for high performing marketing teams this year is keeping pace with their customers.
Topics: Buyer Persona, Buyers' Journey, Customer Journey Strategy