No matter what kind of business you run, generating leads is an important part of creating an effective content strategy. In last week’s article, we discussed how to use lead generation in your market strategy. In this article, we will be looking at specific methods you can use to begin generating leads. The reality is there are actually many ways to generate leads and when you’re just starting out, it can be overwhelming. The important thing to remember is not all leads are the same, and the way you generate leads needs to reflect the different lifecycle stages.
The modern consumer isn’t what it once was. As a small business owner you now have to earn a customer’s attention, it’s not enough to simply buy it. How do you earn their attention? The first step is relevant, helpful content. Over the past few weeks, we’ve looked at the importance of content and how to effectively repurpose it to target a wider audience. We’ve also looked at the importance of buyer personas and the buyer’s journey, and how all three of these elements combine to give you a winning marketing strategy.
Topics: Lead Generation, Marketing Strategies
There’s no doubt the marketing industry is undergoing a dramatic change. This is primarily due to the fact that buying habits have changed. Consumers don’t want to be sold to; they want to connect with a brand and feel as though that organisation truly understands them and their challenges. And, as the world of marketing continues to change in response to the changing needs of consumers, getting leads has become increasingly challenging for small businesses. According to HubSpot’s 2018 State of Inbound Report, when asked what is more difficult to do in sales compared to 2 to 3 years ago, 28% of respondents said ‘prospecting good leads’.
Topics: Hubspot, Lead Generation, Get Leads
Do you feel confused and overwhelmed when trying to think of effective ways to generate leads for your business? As Google continues to frequently update its algorithm, one thing has always remained steadfast: content is king. Organisations that rely on ranking high in a Google search for their marketing must offer fresh, relevant and valuable content. But what if you have great content but you’re still struggling get leads? An effective content strategy will do more than just attract buyers to your brand, it should also include compelling offers that will convert people from a website visitor into a qualified lead.
Topics: Lead Generation, Content Strategy
By now we’re all well versed in the importance of a responsive website, optimised for sales and SEO. If things are going really well, your blog is up and running and your social media platforms are directing people to your website. If you’re really on top of your game, you’ve published awesome content like eBooks or webinars, and landing pages are capturing new leads. If this sounds like you, then congratulations: you’ve made it halfway!
Topics: Lead Generation, Lead Conversion
This week’s blog comes from the keyboard of my brand new computer - a long overdue upgrade and one I had been putting off for way too long. As anyone who’s bought a new computer recently would know, it’s a relatively painless process. I knew what I wanted and I was done in a matter of minutes. But as I was taking my new toy from the box it struck me just how different this purchase had been from our household’s very first computer.
Topics: Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation
When it comes to lead generation, digital marketing offers a myriad of cost effective tools that help you reach and establish new audiences, share and amplify your content and drive prospective customers to your website.
Topics: Lead Generation, Digital Marketing
Before we talk any more about Inbound Marketing, I need to ask you a question: Is your website your star marketer? I mean, sure it ranks high in Google, features a nice design and is mobile responsive. But does it convert visitors into leads? Or is it sitting on the online shelf, collecting virtual dust?
Topics: Lead Generation, Buyer Personas, Website