Think back to a time when you had an amazing experience with a business. Now think of a time where the experience you had was not so great. The experience customers have with your company can make or break their decision to buy. For this very reason, as a small business owner it is absolutely crucial you think about the customer experience you’re offering because a positive customer experience is vital to the success and growth of your business. HubSpot research shows more than 80% of companies who prioritize customer experience are reporting an increase in revenue. Not to mention these stats which highlight the importance of a positive customer experience: $1.6 trillion is lost each year due to poor customer service; customers will spend 17% more for a good experience; and customer-centric companies are 60% more profitable than companies that aren't.
A challenge many business owners face when growing their business is how to increase revenue without increasing overheads and reducing profits; in other words how can you do more with less? In fact, sales productivity is the number one challenge for almost two-thirds of B2B organisations. The good news is there are steps you can take to increase your sales productivity. One way is through the use of sales automation. In this article, you will learn five ways you can use sales automation to your advantage to improve productivity and achieve your revenue and profit goals.
Topics: Inbound Sales, Get Customers, Flywheel, Sales Automation
Salespeople are hired to sell, right? But did you know that the modern sales person spends just a mere 34% of their day actually selling? If salespeople are spending just a third of their day selling, what are they doing the rest of their day? Research shows the majority of a sales person’s day is spent carrying out administrative tasks such as writing emails, data entry, prospecting and scheduling meetings. Sound like a waste of time? That’s because it is.
Topics: Hubspot, Inbound Sales, Get Customers, Sales Technology
Last week I published an article about the importance of aligning marketing and sales, this article will cover the next step in the sales process - how you should sell to the modern buyer. So much has changed in the way that buyers go about researching and buying solutions to their problems. What once worked even 10 years ago, just doesn’t cut it today. The traditional sales process no longer works on the empowered and informed modern buyer. To put it as simply as possible, the modern buyer, is looking for a personalised experience. Read this article to learn about the simple yet effective techniques for understanding and selling to your modern buyer.
Topics: Inbound Sales, Get Customers
We’ve all had those days; you know the ones where we are so busy we don’t have time to grab a takeaway cappuccino let alone get through a massive to-do list that gets bigger every minute? Yeah, you know what I’m talking about. That’s probably what your day looks like more often than not. However, the world is a wonderful place that seems to churn out advanced technological innovations every day. One of the innovations that we particularly love is marketing automation.
Topics: Lead Nurturing, Marketing Automation, Get Customers