Whether the world of marketing is something new to you, or you’ve been in the game for some time now, chances are you have heard of buyer personas. In case you’re not overly familiar with the concept, here’s a quick explainer:
Hands up if you’ve ever scratched your head and said, “What on earth are buyer personas and how will they help my business?” I’m going to guess there are a lot of hands raised. If you are familiar with the world of marketing, chances are you’ve stumbled across the term buyer personas. Maybe you know what they are. Maybe you’ve already created one or two. Yet do you understand how buyer personas will help your business? It’s easy to jump on a marketing trend just because everyone else is doing it and is touting how amazing it’s been for their business. However, there’s a difference between doing what everyone else is doing and knowing why you’re doing it and how it will benefit your business. If you can tap into the ‘why’, you’re much more likely to be successful in your marketing endeavours. That’s why this article is dedicated to everyone and anyone who’s heard the term ‘buyer personas’ and is curious about how these fictitious characters will take your business to new heights.
Topics: Buyer Persona
Buyers today don’t have the time nor the interest to read through lots of information to find what they’re looking for. They expect an experience with your brand that is aligned with what they want. And they want to find that information easily, and quickly.
Topics: Buyer Persona, Buyers' Journey, Content Strategy
Every small-to-medium sized business owner wants to understand their customers better; they want to know what make them tick, what their challenges are and how to relate to their customers as real humans. The question is … how do you better understand your customers? How do you get inside their minds? How do you truly connect with them? The answer is simple: buyer personas. A buyer persona is a semi-fictional depiction of your business’ ideal customer, based on market research and real data about your existing customers.
Topics: Buyer Persona
Topics: Content Marketing, SEO, Buyer Persona, Marketing Automation, Social Media, Mobile Marketing