The stats for inbound marketing prove that jumping on the inbound marketing train is a must for all business owners. But for many with limited time and funds its difficult to know where to start. That is why we created the free Inbound Marketing Coach.
Below is a list of compelling stats I pulled from Hubspot's: 100 Awesome Marketing Stats, Charts and Graphs (sourced from different research data).
If you weren't already sold on inbound marketing check this out..
- more than 3/4 of all US adults are online
- 2/3 of consumers spend more than 1 hour online everyday
- more and more of the things we used to do offline, we now do online things like: research, news, shopping, network …
- marketers are spending more on inbound marketing - social media, webinars, seo
- inbound marketing costs 62% less than traditional outbound marketing
- blogging, social media and seo are reported to cost less than outbound
- 46% of daily searches are for information on products or services
- 70% of links search users clic on are organic (not paid)
- 75% of users don't scroll pas the first page
- companies that blog have more indexed pages and more links
- companies with more indexed pages get more leads
- the number 1 online activity is social media - compared to search, email, news etc…
- 61% of marketers use social media to increase lead generation
- blog readership continues to grow
- people read blogs more than once per day
- most people read 5-10 blogs
- 2/3 marketers say their company blog is "critical" or "important" to their business
- companies that blog have 55% more visitors
Learn more about the free Inbound Marketing Coach: 15 Day Quick Start To Inbound Marketing here.
The free Inbound Marketing Coach: 15 day quick start to inbound marketing is scheduled to launch soon. To register go here.