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Inbound Marketing Blog

17 Ways To Use Your Blog For Inbound Marketing and To Get More Leads

Posted by Stacie Chalmers on 09-Feb-2011 03:45:00

I often get asked how to blog and what to write. It seems many people are so scared to do it wrong – they get paralyzed. Others still don't know why they should be blogging and how it can significantly help their Inbound Marketing efforts.

The purpose of todays blog is give you some answers to those questions so you can confidently start blogging and use your blog to build your business.

I’m sitting in on a 6 week Content Camp Webinar by Hubspot,  and I find the way they present the information very easy to understand. So I thought I’d recap on some of what they’ve covered over the past couple of weeks.

For those of you still trying to understand why you need to blog, just check out these stats from a recent report by Hubspot:

inbound marketing blog stats









So lets look at how you can be a successful blogger and increase your business.

Not all blogs have to be detailed, here are 5 Categories for Blogging


  1. Raisin Bran – the 150 word – quick blog article that you would post 1-2 times per week.
  2. The Spinach salad – 250 words – generally lists, top 10 – takes a little research but is still relatively quick to write, again this could be 1-2 times per week
  3. The roast – 400+ words – this is a longer more detailed blog based on research, case studies you might only publish this once a month.
  4. Spicy – these could be any length this is an article that is controversial, starts conversations – this is not the type you want to publish too often – maybe once per month, maybe less.
  5. Dessert – these are the sweet, feel good, funny blogs – any length and are fun.

The rule here is to mix it up, do lots of raisin bran and spinach salad blogs each month, compared to; 1 roast, 1 spicy and couple for dessert – hope that makes sense.

17 Blog Content Strategies To Get More Leads:

  1. Write relevant topics: Think about every question you’ve ever been asked by prospects, customers – and turn them into a blog article.
  2. Think like your customer
  3. Become an educator
  4. Links: link to your web pages and other blogs
  5. Include a short purpose or takeway.
  6. Bullet lists
  7. Sub-headings, use bold
  8. Use keywords – in the title, copy and meta description
  9. Meta Description – it’s your 150 character Call To Action
  10. Tag with 2-3 keywords
  11. You’re better to blog once a day for 2 days, that 2 in the same day – it’s better for SEO and your readers
  12. Who’s your audience? Who are you writing to?
  13. Use videos
  14. Case studies
  15. Ask a question at the end to encourage comments and engagement
  16. Include a CTA (call to action) for lead generation
  17. Write an editorial calendar with topics, keywords, author and dates


Credits: Thank you to Marcus Sheridan and Paul Roetzer two successful business owners who shared their wisdom on how to blog effectively. I recommend checking out their blogs, just click on their names.


Do you have any suggestions to add? Do you have any questions? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.


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